We invite you to worship, learn and serve with us. Please check our calendar.
Main Entrance 
Although Faith is known as the “church with the red doors,” our main entrance is through the glass doors adjacent to the main parking lot located to the left of the building.
Worship Services
Sunday morning. At 8:30 and 11:00 am we use the liturgy from the Evangelical Lutheran Worship book.
How we worship: We gather. We encounter God's Word. We share a meal. And we are sent into the world.
Holy Communion
- We celebrate the sacrament of Holy Communion every Sunday at all worship services.
- Adults and children who receive Holy Communion in their home church, whether Lutheran or another denomination, are invited to receive the sacrament with us.
- All are invited to the table to receive a blessing.
Children in Worship
- We welcome children of all ages at our worship services.
- Nursery. A staffed nursery for ages 5 (kindergarten) and under is located on the lower level and welcomes children at both services.
- Worship and Wonder. Inactive due to Covid.