Global Mission


Our Global Mission committee oversees a variety of efforts that proclaim the Gospel by Word and deed throughout the world.


Grace Missions, Port-au-Prince, Haiti

chez moi

Faith church, together with five other Lutheran churches, is involved in supporting Grace Missions in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. This mission encompasses two ministries:

  • Grace Orphanage for Girls provides 20 orphaned girls with Christian love, food, shelter, medical care, K - 12 education, and vocational training in a safe environment.
  • A scholarship fund underwrites university educations for four young men. 

Donations can be made by writing checks to Faith Lutheran Church and designating Grace Missions, or by donating directly through PayPal on the Grace Missions website.  Help Sponsor a Chez Moi Girl.


Missionary in Chile

Faith church helps to sponsor Karen Anderson, an ELCA companion missionary currently serving in Chile. Global Mission of the ELCA accompanies the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Chile by providing mission outreach, theological education and youth ministry. 

To directly support Karen's work: 

Write on the memo line of the check, “EPES-GMG0515” and mail it to:

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

ELCA Gift Processing Center

P.O. Box 1809

Merrifield, VA 22116-8009


Fair Trade Sales


On the third Sunday of every month Faith sells fair trade products before and after morning worship. Products include Divine chocolate, coffee, and tea. Periodically handcrafts from Haiti and other regions are also sold.


ELCA Global Links

The ELCA at work throughout the world. Stay informed. Be inspired. Get involved. .


ELCA World Hunger

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ELCA Disaster Relief

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Lutheran World Relief



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