2021-05-23 Confirmand Grp 2 Resized

Our Confirmation Ministry

Confirmation ministry is centered on relationship -- with peers, parents, the church, and with Jesus Christ. It includes all childhood church activities, starting with baptism.

The goal of our Confirmation program is to provide young people the opportunity to experience and reflect upon living into their faith as they prepare to affirm their baptism.  With the assistance of the Holy Spirit, they are readied to commit to this life-long spiritual journey of being a servant of Christ.

Subject matter

  • Luther’s Small Catechism (The 10 Commandments, The Apostles Creed, The Lord’s Prayer, Baptism, Holy Communion, Confession)
  • The Bible (It’s role in the Church, some major themes and different genres, how it came to be, and how to use it in a devotional way in one’s life)
  • Being a Servant of Christ – working for justice and peace in all the world.

We approach this subject matter in an experiential way that is better described as prayerful engagement than the learning of certain points or facts. 

  • We weave together spirituality, justice, and the arts.
  • We use music, poetry, visual arts, and other creative methods as a way to engage within the learners a creative spirit of adventure for a lifelong journey of faith.
  • We explore the theme of justice in Scripture and in Jesus life, parables and proclamation about the kingdom (or reign) of God.
  • We examine a variety of spiritual practices and assist one another in discerning what particular practices we’re each drawn to and how they help us grow in connection to God and in community with others on our journey. 

Confirmands will be joined in the journey by adult mentors sharing how they are living out their own lives of faith as servants of Christ.


For more information about Confirmation, contact Pastor Doug.



Mentor/Student Responsibilities

Worship Reflection Sheet

Service Reflection Sheet

Safe Boundaries Policy

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