Visual Arts

Visuals team

07-01-2021 Visuals Team at Work Website

Our Visuals Team leads the congregation in the creation of imagery to celebrate God's grace and to reflect the seasons of the church year. Just as the word liturgy means "work of the people," many of our visuals are the work of the entire congregation, adding yet another dimension to worship life.


For information about how to get involved with the Visuals Team, please contact the church office.



Artwork by individuals from within and outside the congregation is incorporated throughout our worship space:

  • Hand-quilted banners

  • Leather-crafted Stations of the Cross

  • Paintings of scenes from the Gospels, Luther's baptismal prayer, and the Creation

  • Suspended altar cross

  • Wood-sculpted crucifix by local artist LaVon Williams

Plus offerings in stained glass, pottery, photography, and print and graphic media.

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